Insurance Planning

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Insurance Planning

Insurance planning safeguards you, your families and loved ones, your house, possessions, or your company against the effects of unforeseen disasters. The goal of insurance is to encourage a group of people to contribute money to a fund that will assist them in restoring during the event of sudden loss. 
The insurance planning process includes a thorough assessment to determine whether it is cost-effective to insure the potential risk and then decide on the best amount and type of coverage to use.
In this way, insurance eases financial burdens when disaster strikes.

Insurance Planning Objectives

Insurance planning is an integral part of a holistic strategic approach because it assesses risks and calculates the appropriate insurance coverage to manage them. The primary purpose of insurance planning is to determine and evaluate risk variables in one's life to feel secure in a calamity. In addition, the chances of recovering partly or wholly are assured by having insurance. Therefore, insurance is an economical device that transfers risk from an individual to a company and reduces risk uncertainty via pooling. Below are a few questions to ask during insurance planning :

  • What is the purpose of buying?
  • Is it the right plan? What is covered and not covered in it? 
  • Is there a Lock-in Period that should be fulfilled?
  • What are the Available Premium Payment Options?
  • Does the Policy offer Rider Benefits?
  • Am I Taking Unnecessary Covers?
  • Is the company's claim settlement ratio sound?
  • What is the procedure for submitting a claim?

Benefits of Insurance Planning

Insurance gives benefits to individuals and organizations in many ways.
Some of the benefits are :
  • The reimbursement of losses is a clear benefit of the insurance strategy.
  • When payment capacity during the period of deficits is significantly decreased, it manages cash flow uncertainty.
  • Provides evidence of financial resources and complies with legal requirements by satisfying contractual and regulatory criteria.
  • Provides incentives to undertake a system of losing control due to policy restrictions, which encourages risk control action.
  • Insurance protects the credit of the insured. Taking actions to lower the likelihood of the lender defaulting on the borrower.
  • It decreases the societal cost by lowering the number of uncompensated accident victims and society's uncertainty.

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Beneficial After Death
No comparison needed
Saving tax
for working individuals
I don't require
complete reimbursement

Beneficial After Death


A life insurance policy is beneficial only after assured's death.


Along with acting as a financial safety net for your family, some life insurance policies also provide additional benefits to the life assured. For instance, ULIPs offer dual benefits of live coverage and investment opportunities, while an endowment plan offers a life cover and savings as a twofold advantage.

No comparison needed


There is no need to compare different policies. You can buy the one that your friends and family have suggested.


It is important to thoroughly compare different policies offered by various companies to choose the best option for yourself. Every family has its distinct needs; hence, it is wise to purchase a customized plan rather than a plan suggested by your friends and family.

Saving tax


Insurance is for saving tax.


Since you're willing to get term insurance, you're probably doing it for the features, not only to save money on taxes. You can effectively save tax with the aid of any policy. Insurance policies are essential for saving taxes, but they can't be the only reason for conserving taxes unless you're safeguarding your life, which is the goal of term insurance.

Left unresolved


Life insurance is only for working individuals.


Life insurance is for all. The void that the absence of a stay-at-home spouse creates cannot be weighed in monetary terms, but their contribution to the family is immeasurable.

I don't require


I am fit, youthful, and healthy. I don't require health coverage.


Because of our hectic lifestyles and environmental degradation, age no longer has any bearing on good health. Population is becoming sicker and worse every day. As a result, regardless of your age, having insurance is safer than not having it. Early enrollment in a health insurance policy is also advantageous because the premium is less.

complete reimbursement


You will get complete reimbursement of the cost of treatment.


The percentage of reimbursement is policy-specific. Most plans contain a room fee cap depending on the overall sum covered, and the insured is responsible for the excess. Other costs, such as medicine, may be subject to partial reimbursement. Therefore, it would be prudent to select the best policy according to your requirements.

Characteristics of Insurance planning

1.Risk Sharing
 Insurance is a tool for sharing the financial damages that a person or his household may suffer due to an inevitable catastrophe. In the case of life insurance, the occurrence may be the demise of a family breadwinner, marine perils in maritime insurance, smoke in fire insurance, or other particular circumstances in general insurance, such as stealing in burglary insurance, collision in automobile insurance, and so on. If these incidents are insured, the loss is pooled by all the beneficiaries in the way of a premium.

2.Collaborative efforts
The most fundamental characteristic of every insurance program is the collaboration of many people who, in essence, come together to share the economic loss resulting from a particular risk that is covered. A gathering of people like this might be gathered willingly or through the agents' promotion or persuasion. An insurer's capital would not be enough to cover all of the losses. So, by insuring or underwriting many persons, he can pay the amount of loss.

3.Risk's Worth
The risk is assessed before insuring to bill the cost of a policyholder's share termed recognition or premium. Risk assessment may be done in a variety of ways. If there is a larger risk of loss, an increased premium may be imposed. As a result, the likelihood of loss is determined at the time of insurance.

4.Payment at Eventuality
The compensation is provided in the event of a specific insured emergency. Payment is provided if the risk arises. Because the life insurance policy is an assurance contract, the benefit is guaranteed since the condition, mortality, or the term's expiration, will very certainly occur. The uncertainty in other insurance policies includes fire or sea risks, for example, that might or might not happen. If the event happens, payment is provided; else, the policyholder receives no money.

5.Amount of Payment
 The payout amount is determined by the loss suffered due to the specific insured risk, assuming insurance coverage is available up to that level. When an incident occurs, the insurer offers to pay a set amount.

6.Coverage is not compassion
While charity is freely given, insurance cannot exist without such a fee(premium). Although it is a type of business, it provides comfort and stability to a people and community by guaranteeing the compensation of damage in exchange for a fee.

Appropriate Insurance Plan for YOU

Having insurance is essential, but getting the correct type of insurance is even more critical. Consulting a financial advisor is always a game-changer. There are numerous insurance, yet none of them are "one size fits all." (This is why insurance preparation is so necessary!) Furthermore, each sizable life change involves an instant evaluation of insurance strategy to guarantee appropriate protection.

Insurance planning should be viewed as a dynamic process that is never static or frozen in time. Your insurance needs will have to alter as your life evolves to stay covered. Your primary focus should be on getting adequate insurance to protect you, your family, and your assets. Consider the following factors when you begin your insurance planning:

  1. Your life expectancy (young, middle-aged, retiree)
  2. Your relationship status (single, married, children)
  3. Your well-being (and also the health of your family)
  4. Your possessions (home, car, boat, etc.)
  5. professional standing (student, employed, self-employed, unemployed)
  6. Your financial situation (insurance access and affordability


Tindon Associates LLC

We extend coverage to individuals and businesses in Warren, Maine and surrounding areas.
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